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Are earth quakes common in New York

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Earthquakes are not particularly common in New York compared to regions along major fault lines like California. However, New York City and the surrounding region do experience occasional seismic activity. These earthquakes are typically smaller in magnitude and less frequent compared to those experienced in more seismically active areas.

The most significant earthquake in recent history in New York City occurred in 1884, with a magnitude estimated to be around 5.2. Since then, there have been smaller earthquakes recorded in the region, but they are infrequent and usually cause little to no damage. On April 5 2024 there was a 4.8 Earth Quake in New Yersey and New York

New York City does have a seismic risk, albeit low compared to other areas, due to its proximity to the seismically active Appalachian Mountains. However, building codes and infrastructure are designed to withstand moderate earthquakes to ensure the safety of residents and structures.

New York Eartquake Map 2024

All times are in Central Time · Sources:U.S. Geological Survey,

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Northeast U.S. Friday morning, shaking homes in the tri-state area. The quake was centered in central New Jersey, with residents feeling tremors from New York City to Connecticut. Watch live coverage on CBS News.

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