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5 Best Security Measures Against Home Theft

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In most apartment or home break-ins, criminals enter through easy to break doors or windows. If you want to avoid robberies in your home, following the recommendations below carefully:

1. Armored door

The doors are the main entrances through which criminals enter. For the same reason, shield your entrances and install a panoramic peephole. The magic eye or a Video Doorbell will help you verify, before opening the door, who is on the other side. If you asked for an employee of a service company, ask them to identify themselves and call the company's phone numbers to confirm their visit. When you are not at home a video doorbell will send you alerts that will pop up on your cell phone as notifications so you can be aware when someone is at your door.

2. Control your keys

In case you lose your home keys, change the lock. If you live in a house or apartment that was previously occupied, do it the same way. Also, if you go out, do not leave the keys at home. Give a copy to your trusted neighbor, for any mishap that happens.

3. Protect your windows

If you live on upper floors, beware of scaffolding installations, as many criminals use this tool to gain access to housing. Close windows and shutters that may give access to a person on a scaffold.

On the other hand, if you will be away from home for a few days, try to close the windows well, but do not leave the blinds completely closed because you could alert criminals. The recommendation is to leave a neighbor in charge of raising and lowering the blinds from time to time. We also recommend purchasing a smart light bulb and a smart socket, you can schedule them to go turn on the lights or home appliances like a radio when you are not at home. There are also motion sensors that will turn on a light, activate a smart appliance or send you a notification on your cellphone when they detect motion.

4. Security alarms

Install security alarms! Through these devices, you will be able to keep in touch with your home even from a distance, and in the event of a possible theft, you will be able to notify the police. Having an Alarm Company install and monitor might be the best solution but if you don’t have the budget there are great DIY Alarm Kits that you can purchase online. It’s better to have some type of alarm than none at all.

5. Social networks

Social networks are booming and many publish in these media everything related to personal and professional life. However, we recommend that you do not post anything related to travel while you are out. So it's best to share your experience when you come back.

Take these appropriate security measures to prevent intrusion into your home or apartment. Also, keep in mind that your home has insurance that will not only be effective in the event of an accident such as a fire or earthquake, but will also support you in the event of a theft.

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