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2022 Tornado Season

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The Tornado Season on the United States last from March until June. The ongoing La Niña weather phenomenon is predicted to continue well into spring of 2022, which has led to a season of extremely active tornados and severe thunderstorms. During 2021 there where 1310 confirmed tornados.

Tornadoes are among the world's most dangerous natural disasters and can be frightening and deadly. Every year more than 1,200 tornadoes form and destroy everything in their path. More than 103 fatalities were reported on 2021 and an average of 1,500 injuries are reported each year from these events.

What is a tornado

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes are capable of completely destroying well-built structures, uprooting trees, and launching objects through the air like deadly missiles. Tornadoes can occur at any time of the day or night and at any time of the year. Although tornadoes are most common in the central plains and southeastern United States, they have been reported in all 50 states. Tornadoes can bring intense winds of more than 200 miles per hour and are usually funnel-shaped.

If you are under a tornado warning:

  • If you are in tornado forecast areas, tune in to Weather Radio or local news, or official social media accounts for up-to-date emergency information. Follow the instructions of State and Local officials.

  • If a tornado warning is broadcast, a distinctive warning signal should sound and everyone should move to shelter in the strongest part of the building. Shelters may include basements or interior rooms with reinforced masonry construction.

  • Stay as far away from windows, doors, or exterior walls.

  • Shelter yourself and your family immediately, enter a safe room, basement, underground tornado shelter, or small interior room on the lowest level of a sturdy building.

  • Do not go under an overpass or bridge. It will be safer in a low and flat place.

  • Watch out for windblown debris that can cause injury or death.

  • Use your arms to protect your head and neck.

  • If time permits and you can't stay home, make plans to go to a public shelter.

How to Prepare for a Tornado

  • Learn about the tornado risk in your area . In the United States, the Midwest and Southeast have a higher risk of tornadoes.

  • Learn the signs of a tornado, including a rotating funnel cloud; an approaching cloud of debris; or a loud roar, similar to a freight train.

  • Sign up for the alerts and warnings program in your community . The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts. If your community has sirens, then familiarize yourself with the warning tone.

  • Pay attention to weather reports. Meteorologists can predict when conditions might be right for a tornado.

  • Identify and practice going to a safe shelter , such as a safe room built to meet FEMA standards or a storm shelter built to ICC 500 standards. The next alternative is a small interior room on the lowest level of a sturdy building .

  • Be aware of hazards, such as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

  • Plan for your pet . They are important members of your family, so they need to be included in your family's emergency plan.

  • Prepare for an extended stay at home or shelter in place by gathering emergency supplies, cleaning supplies, non-perishable food, water, medical supplies, and medications.

Stay safe during a tornado

  • Immediately go to a safe place that you have identified.

  • Listen to alerts from EAS, NOAA Weather Radio, or local alert systems for up-to-date information and instructions about the emergency.

  • Protect yourself by covering your head or neck with your arms and putting materials such as furniture and blankets around or on top of you.

  • Don't try to outrun a tornado in a vehicle. If you are in a car or outside and cannot get to a building, cover your head and neck with your arms and cover your body with a coat or blanket, if possible.

Stay safe after a tornado

  • Please continue to listen to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio, and local authorities for updated information.

  • Stay away from downed power lines or damaged utility lines.

  • Contact your health care provider if you are sick and need medical care. Wait for further precautionary instructions and continue sheltering in place.

  • Wear appropriate equipment during cleanup, such as thick-soled shoes, long pants, and work gloves, wear appropriate face coverings or masks if cleaning mold or other debris.

Tornado Aftermath

Dozens dead after 'severest tornado in Kentucky history'

As you can see, tornadoes can leave devastated areas in their wake. These communities will take months to repair the damage to their Electrical and Communications systems and even years to rebuild Government Offices, Factories, Hospitals, Apartments, Houses, Schools. Hundreds of affected people and families destroyed by the pain of losing a loved one in such a sudden way. That is why our portal focuses on Security in order to help those who seek to avoid this type of catastrophe.


Nosotros es un portal dedicado a las personas alrededor del mundo que les gusta estar preparados para eventos fuera de su control. Te aconsejamos para que estés preparado para eventos como huracanes, terremotos, incendios, tornados, robos y otras circunstancias donde conocer técnicas de sobrevivencia y tener los recursos necesarios pueden ser el factor determinante entre salvar una vida o permitir que ocurra una tragedia por no estar preparados.

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