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10 terms every prepper should know

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As preppers, it is important to be familiar with a variety of terms and concepts that can help us better prepare for and respond to potential emergencies or disasters. In this article, we will provide a list of ten essential words that every prepper should know. Understanding these terms can help you build a solid foundation for your disaster preparedness efforts and increase your self-sufficiency in the face of unexpected challenges.

  1. Bug-out bag: A bag that contains supplies and equipment that a person would need to survive for a period of time in the event of an emergency or disaster.

  2. Grid-down: A situation in which the power grid has gone down, either as a result of a natural disaster or a man-made event.

  3. Bug-out location: A pre-determined location where a person can go in the event of an emergency or disaster, usually a place that is remote and self-sufficient.

  4. SHTF: An acronym that stands for "shit hits the fan," meaning a catastrophic event or disaster has occurred.

  5. EMP: An electromagnetic pulse, which is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that can disrupt or destroy electronic equipment.

  6. 72-hour kit: A kit that contains supplies and equipment that a person would need to survive for three days in the event of an emergency or disaster.

  7. Bartering: The exchange of goods or services for other goods or services, rather than using money.

  8. Off-grid: A situation in which a person or community is not reliant on public utilities, such as electricity and water, and instead relies on alternative sources of energy and resources.

  9. Prepper: A person who takes steps to prepare for emergencies or disasters, often by stockpiling supplies and learning survival skills.

  10. Self-sufficient: The ability to provide for one's own needs without relying on external resources or support.

Prepping can help a person feel more secure and self-sufficient in the face of emergencies or disasters, and knowing these key terms is an important part of the process. Whether it's building a bug-out bag, finding a bug-out location, or learning how to barter in the event of an SHTF scenario, being prepared can give a person peace of mind and the confidence to handle whatever comes their way. So, these are the 10 terms every prepper should know.


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